On Demand E-Document Management System

Bringing all of your files / documents and records into one centralized repository.

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How can we make and keep our documents secure?

Sometimes finding the right document when you need it seems impossible. Where was that file saved? Who edited it last? What if it didn’t matter? Inseparable DMS organizes everything based on what it is, so you never have to remember where it's saved or which version is the right one by bringing all of your files / documents and records into one centralized repository, Inseparable DMS will:

 Organize, catalogue, and index every document, electronic file, and record for easy retrieval.
 Apply customized business rules to automate as many processes as possible.
 Automatically apply the proper security to your documents and records.
 Log every action taken on every record, documenting that your processes are being followed.

Our document management system (DMS) maintains all documents in a centralized, indexed repository, with the documents always available to any staff member with the proper security to access those records - whether that staff member is in your office, in the building next door, or on the other side of the planet.

Inseparable dms easy, efficient and affordable document management solution. Our easy to use and simple interface and high flexibility allow businesses of any type and size to implement it to their document management needs. This is why our inseparable document management system is being successfully adopted across all industries that wish to go paperless.

Office automation tool that enables
a wide range of actions

Electronic Document Management Solution empowers business organizations to have complete control over their organization’s
documents and maintain the safety and integrity of the information. Some of its basic process includes :-

Document Scanning

This is probably one of the most important features of electronic document management system. It allows the users to scan all types of documents and convert those into digital files. This, in turn, ensures anyone can access the documents over the web as and when required.

Version Control

With the help of version control, the users can keep a track of all the changes that have been made on a single document. This is a feature that ensures every single change, made on a document, is captured minutely. This ensures the users can refer to these changes whenever needed.

Document Storage

Physical document storage is one of the biggest problems that most organizations come across. It adds to the operational costs and the organization has to hire someone to maintain those files. Inseparable offers easy storage in cloud where all the files are electronically stored. Since all the documents are kept in a central repository, the users can easily retrieve a specific document with a quick search.

Document Workflow

This helps automate the processes, route the information electronically, and record an audit trail. It's one of the most advanced features of electronic document management system which helps automate the entire business process. A user can simply attach a document into a workflow after designing it, and it will automatically reach to the specific destination. In this way, the entire process can be automated without the manual intervention of any user.

Document Management Software

While there are many document management systems available in the market, one thing that makes Inseparable EDMS software best among others are its features. EDMS is a unique solution offering a range of wonderful features to the users. Some of the important features in EDMS are as follows.

Document Security

Strong access control ensures that the documents do not fall in the wrong hands. You can define not only who gets what but also what the user can do with the received document, for example you can control whether the user can only view or download, print, share, change version number etc for the document that one can access. EDMS gives you the ability to configure the access control up to the page level of the document, so that you can choose not to give access to a user for a particular set of pages within a document.

Document Upload

Your users can choose from multiple options to upload the documents in EDMS. Single file upload Users can upload single files using the upload interface provided in EDMS. Bulk upload EDMS provides an option for uploading large number of files at a time. Users can also upload files using our desktop application.

Document Formats

Our EDMS supports all the major file formats like Microsoft Office files, Open office files, image formats, PDF, AutoCAD drawing formats and many others. You can get the list of supported formats here. You can upload, view and use other features of EDMS for all the supported formats.

Version Control & Document Update

EDMS maintains version control by default. You can customize the version numbers as per your requirements. You can define up to four-part version numbers. Users desiring to update a document can check-out the document. A checked-out document can be viewed by other users, but they cannot check-out the document for update. The user who has checked-out the document uploads an updated document. The version number is updated for the document. The older version and newer version are both available on EDMS application. The check-in/check-out feature avoids accidental overwriting of documents as multiple users cannot update the same document at the same time.

Search & Retrieval

EDMS has many easy and intuitive search features that allow users to get access to the documents they need immediately. You get a single field in which you can enter your search phrase and EDMS will give you the results across all documents where the phrase occurs in the index fields, file name, control number and document number. You can enable full-text search by simply clicking ‘Search in File contents’ checkbox and immediately you can search for the phrase within the file contents. Advanced Search gives you the ability to create your own search queries and save them in case you want to use the queries again. Advanced search gives you the ability of searching on index fields, with more granularity to give you exact search results. Advanced search has options of adding multiple clauses using And/Or conjunctions. Each clause will have an index field, operator (Equals, Contains, Start-with, Between etc) and the search value.

Document Indexing

Indexes define the fields based on which the documents will be searched. EDMS gives you complete control on how you define the indexes with validations for each of them. You can also define whether an index is mandatory. You can use these indexes for searching the documents quickly.

Workflow Management

EDMS has a completely configurable workflow management module. You can design your business process workflows using EDMS. Create your own data-entry fields and incorporate business rules based on which the document flows through the various activities in the business process.

Document Audit Logs

EDMS maintains a comprehensive audit trail of all of actions and changes that take place on the files in EDMS. A detailed log for every document can track all events that have taken place throughout the lifecycle of the document. You can get the audit trail for a particular period, folder, document, user etc. Audit logs are important to keep a tab on all the activities happening in EDMS.

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Benefits of EDMS

EDMS brings numerous benefits to your organization and helps you and your organization become a big success.

  • Decreased Storage
  • Competitive edge over others
  • Flexible indexing of documents
  • Excellent Collaboration tools
  • Digital Archiving
  • Improved regulatory compliance
  • Better internal operations
  • Enhanced safety of documents
  • Enhanced and regulated document distribution
  • Enhanced, faster, and flexible search in less time
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction and service
  • Preserve intellectual capital as well as ganizational knowledge